Welcome to Southside Community School

Enroll today! Quickly fill out this Enrollment Packet and submit to [email protected] to reserve your child’s seat!

*Contact the front office 520-623-7102 to confirm availability for each grade level

Schedule a visit, come see us! Classroom Visits and Tours Policy

Southside Community School is a free, non-profit, public charter school serving grades K-9. We work with the community and parents to foster academic excellence, community responsibility, cultural awareness, and a safe campus with a school-wide policy of non-violence.

Founded in 2001 by a local public prosecutor driven by a vision of making a positive impact on the community, Southside Community School strives to serve its members through its mission of non-violence and meaningful partnerships.

  • 5 Acre Campus with ample outdoor spaces and study areas!
  • New Core Curricula
  • Student Technology
  • Free Books for All Students
  • Free Breakfast, Lunch & Snack Offered Daily
  • Free Day Care for Children Ages 3-5 (limited space available)
  • Free After-School Program Activities
  • Free Extracurricular Sports and Clubs
  • Free After-School Tutoring
  • Coding Activities in elementary grades
  • Music Instruction & Mariachi
  • PE Daily for All Students
  • Licensed Counselor and Health Services
  • Monthly Food Pantry Distribution
  • Annual Fund for Homeless Clothing
  • Highly Qualified and Passionate Teachers!
  • Free language assistance, auxiliary aids, and/or accommodations are available upon request.
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Have you had a positive experience with Southside Community School? Leave us a positive review HERE!


Tell us what you love about Southside Community and how we can serve you better!

General Feedback form

Parent Satisfaction Survey

PreK Parent Satisfaction Survey

Classroom Belonging survey for 3-5th graders

Classroom Belonging survey for 6-8th graders

Classroom Climate survey for 3-5th graders

Classroom Climate survey for 6-8th graders

Classroom Engagement survey for 3-5th graders

Classroom Engagement survey for 6-8th graders

Classroom Learning Strategies survey for 3-5th graders

Classroom Learning Strategies for 6-8th graders

Classroom Mindset survey for 3-8th graders

Classroom Rigor survey for 3-5th graders

Classroom Rigor survey for 6-8th graders

Classroom Teacher-Student Relationships survey for 3-5th graders

Classroom Teacher-Student Relationships survey for 6-8th graders

Grit survey for 3-8th graders

School Belonging survey for 3-5th graders

School Belonging survey for 6-8th graders

School Climate survey for 3-5th graders

School Climate survey for 6-8th graders

School Learning Strategies survey for 3-5th graders

School Learning Strategies survey for 6-8th graders

School Teacher-Student Relationships survey for 3-5th graders

School Teacher-Student Relationships survey for 6-8th graders

School Rigor survey for 3-8th graders

School Safety survey for 3-5th graders

School Safety survey for 6-8th graders

School Safety survey for parents

Teacher Effectiveness survey for 3-5th graders

Teacher Effectiveness survey for 6-8th graders

Valuing of School survey for 3-5th graders

Valuing of School survey for 6-8th graders

Valuing of Subject survey for 3-5th graders

Valuing of Subject survey for 6-8th graders